All in all, a very solid device. Looking back at my dusty iPhone 3GS is like going back in time a generation. There's a lot to like about EVO
. The screen a stunning, call quality is superb. The phone is very ergonomically constructed. BUT, what I like the most is customizability of Android and ability (once rooted) to install custom ROMs. Android is a funny beast. Out of the box experience is nothing short of traumatic, but don't let it form your opinion. Coming to Android from iPhone was at first shocking, but you quickly realize that the operating system is very much open ended and you can get your phone to work for you the way you want to, and not the way Steve intended. Long story short, I ended up with MIUI ROM with Cyanogen kernel. For homescreen I use combination of MIUI and SlideScreen Beta (the one that allows you to have more than a single homescreen). This makes a killer combo!
The only two problems I have are:
The only two problems I have are:
- Battery life. It is poorish. Can be overcome with SetCPU and Auto Kill Memory -- easily gets me through a day of good use.
- The way sprint implements callwaiting on Android.
So, highly recommend it! Hack away and enjoy!
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